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TransBae's Bold Leap: Moving Away from Marketplaces towards Autonomous Innovation


In a rapidly evolving world, businesses need to adapt to survive. For TransBae, a brand dedicated to the Trans/Non-Binary/Gender-Non-Conforming (TNBGNC) community, this means charting our own course, away from the confines of large marketplaces and closer to our community.

The Limitations of Existing Marketplaces

Platforms like Etsy have been pivotal in our journey so far, providing an avenue to reach our customers. However, we've faced challenges that have compelled us to reconsider our business model. The prime concern has been an overemphasis on profits over people, even when we have diligently followed company policies.

Holding Onto Our Earnings: An Unexpected Hurdle

Recently, our earnings have been withheld for an undisclosed period, despite not violating any company policy. This action not only affects our business operations but also disrupts our commitment to delivering excellent customer service and product delivery.

Embracing Change: The Move towards Independence

In response to these challenges, we've made an executive decision to withdraw from such platforms and build our own. This move allows us to regain control of our earnings, ensuring we can continue to serve our customers efficiently and timely.

Driving Sales, Customer Service, and Innovation through Our Platform

Our platform will not just be an online store—it will be a hub for innovation, customer service, and community engagement. We aim to create an interactive space where our customers feel heard, valued, and part of a supportive community.

Collaborations and Fundraisers: Strengthening Community Bonds

We are also excited about the possibility of collaborating with others within the TNBGNC community. By hosting fundraisers and supporting community initiatives, we plan to forge stronger bonds and foster a sense of solidarity and mutual support.

TransBae: More Than a Business

TransBae has always been more than just a business. We are a brand that stands for the rights, needs, and aspirations of the TNBGNC community. Our shift away from marketplace giants is just another step towards fulfilling this commitment.

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